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Fogarty Fellow Investigates Stigma and Barriers to PrEP for Women in Sex Work

October 28, 2023
Ramya Kumar‘s face lights up when she talks about her work in Zambia, and her chosen family in the Lusaka community. For nearly a decade, she has lived and worked as an epidemiologist in Zambia, investigating and responding to urgent outbreaks of disease. “I loved Zambia so much that I...

William Fischer—Advancing Bedside Care During Outbreaks

October 18, 2023
The British medical journal The Lancet profiled William Fischer, MD, associate professor of medicine and director of emerging pathogens at the UNC Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases, for his dedication to advancing bedside care during outbreaks. Some people have unique stories about how they met their partner, but...

Malaria-Causing Parasites Resistant to Both Treatment and Detection Emerge in Ethiopia

October 17, 2023
Researchers with the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases (IGHID) through IDEEL (the Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Ecology Lab), have detected new strains of malaria-causing parasites in Ethiopia that are both resistant to current treatments and escape detection by common diagnostic tests. Jonathan Parr, MD, MPH, IGHID member and...

‘Climate Change and Global Health’ During University Research Week

October 11, 2023
Climate change has been described as the single biggest health threat facing humanity. Physician-researchers through the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases (IGHID), UNC’s engine for global health research, are actively engaged in a variety of efforts to prepare and protect the health of the most vulnerable populations. Some...

Treatment-resistant infections, a “slow-moving catastrophe”

October 11, 2023
From discovery to prevention to treatment, researchers at UNC-Chapel Hill are working to understand and mitigate the global rise of untreatable infections. Nearly every one of us has had an ailment that was treated with an antibiotic. Think about what would happen if that treatment didn’t work. More than 2.8...

ID Fellows Presenting During IDWEEK 2023

October 10, 2023
ID Week 2023 is the premier forum for health professionals of varied backgrounds to collaborate, cooperate, and learn from each other’s expertise in infectious diseases. From the UNC Division of Infectious Diseases and Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases, following is a list of posters and presentations scheduled by current fellows...

UNC Research Validates AI-Powered Gestational Age Calculator Used on Butterfly iQ+ for Global Pregnancy Care

October 9, 2023
An innovative AI tool developed at the University of North Carolina (UNC) and deployed on the Butterfly IQ+ handheld ultrasound probe can measure gestational age as accurately as a trained expert using an expensive, full-sized ultrasound machine. Chapel Hill, NC (October 9, 2023) — A groundbreaking study presented today by University...

Expanding Global Health Experiences: Migrant Health at the U.S. Border, Reproductive Health in Bolivia  

October 3, 2023
The Office of Global Health Education (OGHE), through the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases and the UNC School of Medicine, introduces learners to global health experiences that often inspire them to be agents of change. While the scope of these experiences may vary, students join local health teams...

UNC-Project China Intern Focuses On ‘Pay-It-Forward’ Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Research

September 28, 2023
As an undergraduate studying health policy and management, Dorian Ho‘s summer internship with UNC Project-China, a collaboration between the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases and Sesh Global, co-directed by Joe Tucker, MD, PhD, and Weiming Tang, PhD, gave him the chance to expand his worldview and contribute to novel research...

New IGHID Fellows Announced for the 2023-2024 Academic Year

September 21, 2023
Capacity building is intrinsic to the Institute’s work on four continents, and it plays a central role in UNC’s efforts to provide training and education in global research around the world. For the new academic year, the Institute is pleased to introduce 33 IGHID fellows and 3 IGHID-affiliated fellows who...

Boyce Receives $4.4 Million to Lead a Malaria Intervention Project in Uganda Following Extreme Weather Events

September 15, 2023
The NIH has awarded a multi-disciplinary team led by Ross Boyce, MD, MSc, a $4.4 million, five-year (R01) grant to evaluate the effectiveness of a chemoprevention effort designed to prevent malaria outbreaks after flooding, using a combination of interventions. Boyce is a member of the Institute for Global Health and...

Archin Receives Diversity in Science and Excellence Award

September 14, 2023
Nancie M. Archin, PhD, researcher with the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases, and assistant professor of medicine in the division of infectious diseases, received the “Diversity in Science and Excellence” award from the International Society for Antiviral Research. The $5,000 award goes towards a scientist of any group...

IAMIGHID: Linda Van Le, MD

August 27, 2023
Linda Van Le, MD, is the Leonard D. Palumbo Distinguished Professor of Gynecologic Oncology, and a first generation Vietnamese American who is passionate about training the next generation. Dr. Van Le is a mentor for the International Gynecologic Cancer Society’s Global Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Program, in Danang, Vietnam. Her grandfather’s...

Uganda: A Summer in Review

August 26, 2023
The partnership between Uganda’s Mbarara University of Science and Technology, P-Healed, and the UNC Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases (IGHID), led by Ross Boyce, MD, MSc and Raquel Reyes, MD, MPA, focuses on improving the health and well-being of the people of Western Uganda. Rooted in understanding and...

Researchers Awarded Helmsley Charitable Trust Grant to Implement Portable Ultrasound in Zambia

August 25, 2023
A new grant from the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust will help Margaret Kasaro, MBChB, MSc, MMed OBGYN, research assistant professor of global women’s health in the UNC Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and other team members in their efforts to incorporate portable ultrasounds into antenatal care...

Dzidzai Muyengwa Will Manage UJMT LAUNCH Fellowships

August 21, 2023
Benjamin Chi, MD, MSc, director of fellowship programs for the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases (IGHID), announces Dzidzai Muyengwa, MPH, will serve as the new program manager of UJMT LAUNCH, Fogarty International Center’s flagship training program, funded by the National Institutes of Health. “We are delighted to welcome...

NICHD Grant Award Enables Researchers To Address Reasons For Vertical Transmission of HIV in Malawi As the Country Pursues Elimination Goals: Integrated Educational Cores Represent the Best of Capacity Building with Malawian Health Leaders

August 15, 2023
Led by Mina Hosseinipour, MD, MPH, the NIH’s National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), has funded the project “Preventing Infant Infections with Implementation Science in Malawi.” (PRI3SM). The program, in partnership with the Republic of Malawi’s Ministry of Health, comprises three studies to address gaps in prevention services,...

Pathogens and Pop Culture: Part II of Dr. Billy Fischer’s Interview

July 28, 2023
This is part two of Dr. Billy Fischer’s interview with Lauren Sauer, MSc, director of the special pathogens research network at NETEC and associate professor at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), and Rachel Lookadoo, a public health lawyer and assistant professor at UNMC. Dr. Fischer, a pulmonary critical care...

A Rare Domestic Resurgence of Malaria Is Circulating in the US

July 5, 2023
The mosquito-borne disease was eliminated here long ago. Now “revenge travel,” global migration, poor public funding—and maybe climate change—could help it come back. At least four people in Florida and one in Texas have been diagnosed with malaria that they must have caught near where they live—because, according to health officials,...

5th Annual Malawi Cancer Symposium

June 29, 2023
The Malawi Cancer Program, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, UNC Project Malawi, the UNC Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases and UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, will be hosting the 5th Annual Malawi Cancer Symposium (MCS 2023). This year’s symposium will be held September 6-7, offering a...