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Penile HIV Infection is Effectively Prevented by Antiretroviral Treatment

June 12, 2023
Researchers at the UNC School of Medicine’s International Center for the Advancement of Translational Science and the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases have developed a new approach for the detailed evaluation of HIV infection throughout the entire male genital tract, HIV acquisition via the penis and the efficient...

Some of the Many Faces of HIV Research: Treatment, Prevention and Pursuing a Cure

December 13, 2022
HIV virus eradication is a complex health challenge due to its long-lived persistence and how it hides in latently infected cells that escape the body’s immune system. Effective HIV treatments have decreased the likelihood of someone developing AIDS, while helping individuals live long and healthy lives without transmission to sexual...

On World AIDS Day: Cohen Reflects On the History of an Incredible Scientific Achievement 40 Years After the Discovery of HIV

December 1, 2022
Almost 40 years after the discovery of HIV, a new NOVA program “Ending HIV in America” reflects on the history of one of the most elusive and deadly viruses to ever infect humans. Dr. Myron “Mike” Cohen, director of the UNC Institute for Global Health & Infectious Diseases is the...

I AM IGHID: Weiming Tang, PhD

November 20, 2022
Weiming Tang, PhD, promotes social innovations in health, using crowdsourcing that inspires the creation of equitable and effective health services, as well as pay-it-forward approaches that show how kindness can be contagious in healthcare. As co-director of Project China, Weiming has co-authored over 200 peer-reviewed publications. And when it comes...

Wahl Receives $3.2 Million to Study the Neurological Consequences of HIV Infection

September 7, 2022
Angela Wahl, PhD, a member of the Institute for Global Health & Infectious Diseases (IGHID), the International Center for the Advancement for Translational Science, and assistant professor in the division of infectious diseases has received a $3.2 million R01 award to study the role of microglia in HIV latency and...

Sustained Efficacy of Long-Acting Cabotegravir for PrEP Among Cisgender Women – Findings from HPTN 084 Study

August 1, 2022
Researchers from the HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) presented updated results from the HPTN 084 long-acting cabotegravir (CAB) for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) study at the AIDS 2022 conference in Montreal. New findings show reductions in HIV incidence were sustained in the 12 months following trial unblinding (November 5, 2020, through...

Sciaudone awarded BWF-ASTMH postdoctoral fellowship to continue diagnostics research in Peru

October 22, 2021
Michael Sciaudone, MD, an infectious diseases specialist at UNC, has won a 2021 postdoctoral fellowship in tropical infectious diseases from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund-American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (ASTMH). Three of the coveted fellowships are awarded nationally each year, funding research focused on low and low-middle income countries....

NIH awards HIV Cure Center $26.2 million over next 5 years

August 23, 2021
The National Institutes of Health has awarded approximately $53 million in annual funding over the next five years to 10 research organizations in a continued effort to find a cure for HIV. The new awards for the Martin Delaney Collaboratories for HIV Cure Research program, initiated in 2011, further expand the...

Study compares mortality of people entering HIV care with general US population

July 21, 2021
HIV-related mortality has decreased since 1996 due to improved treatments and evolving care guidelines, but the extent to which persons entering HIV care have a higher risk for death over the following years, compared with peers in the general population, has been unclear. Joseph Eron, MD, the Herman and Louise...

‘Why I’m still alive’: A patient’s gratitude, two decades later

January 13, 2021
In the summer of 2001, Shani Morgan was a few months pregnant and in prison, where she learned that she had HIV. She’d been sent from jail to Bragg Street Women’s Prison in Raleigh for better monitoring and medical treatment. What she remembers most about being treated by her UNC...

Three Institute faculty elected IDSA Fellows

December 7, 2020
The Infectious Diseases Society of America, the nation’s leading infectious diseases professional society, has elected the Institute’s Joseph Eron, MD; Anne Lachiewicz, MD, MPH; and Christopher Hurt, MD, to its latest cohort of Fellows of IDSA. As the highest honor in the field of infectious diseases, IDSA fellowships recognize those...

NIH awards seven-year funding to Cohen and El-Sadr for leadership of HIV Prevention Trials Network

November 30, 2020
AIDS Clinical Trials Group, co-led by UNC’s Joseph Eron, MD, also re-funded for seven years Myron S. Cohen, MD, director of UNC’s Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases, and Wafaa El-Sadr, MD, MPH, MPA, director of ICAP at Columbia University, have received a seven-year award from the National Institutes...

NIH awards $25 million to UNC’s Global HIV Clinical Trials Unit

November 30, 2020
  The National Institutes of Health has awarded University of North Carolina’s Institute for Global Health & Infectious Diseases nearly $25 million over seven years to continue operating its Global HIV Clinical Trials Unit, or CTU. The new funding will support HIV treatment and prevention in adults, children and pregnant...

ACTG honors David Wohl, MD, with first Charles van der Horst Humanitarian Award

November 24, 2020
ACTG names second new award for former UNC neurology professor, Kevin Robertson The national AIDS Clinical Trials Group expanded its annual recognition program in 2020 with two new awards named for University of North Carolina faculty members who died in 2019: Charles van der Horst, MD, an infectious diseases physician...

‘Major advance’: Long-acting injectable more effective than daily pill in preventing HIV

November 10, 2020
Study led by female investigators enrolled women living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa A long-acting injectable drug, cabotegravir, is safe and more effective than a daily pill in preventing HIV acquisition, according to results from a study of 3,127 cisgender women in sub-Saharan Africa. Led by UNC researchers beginning in...

HIVMA names Adimora 2020 clinical educator of the year

October 29, 2020
The HIV Medicine Association, or HIVMA, has honored UNC infectious diseases professor Ada Adimora, MD, MPH, with its 2020 Clinical Educator Award. The award, presented during the annual IDWeek conference, recognizes Adimora’s “extraordinary contributions to advancing clinical education, with a focus on disseminating her research on the drivers of HIV-related...

HIV Cure Center, Cell Microsystems to further develop single-cell diagnostic assay

October 12, 2020
Cell Microsystems and UNC’s HIV Cure Center will continue their work on developing an automated assay that can measure single cells for latent HIV, thanks to a two-year, $1.65 million contract from the National Institutes of Health. The new contract, a highly competitive phase II Small Business Innovation Research award,...

African American women perceive systemic barriers to accessing HIV prevention care

September 20, 2020
Black women in the southern United States are less likely to seek HIV prevention and treatment services because they don’t trust the health care system, according to a study in the September/October issue of The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (JANAC) by Schenita Randolph, PhD, MPH, at...

UNC-led consortium to study HIV-related cancers in sub-Saharan Africa

August 24, 2020
A team of UNC researchers are partnering with colleagues at four institutions in Africa to study HIV-associated malignancies. With a five-year, $6 million grant from the NIH’s National Cancer Institute, the research consortium will look at screening and diagnosing innovations for three cancers common to people with HIV: Kaposi sarcoma,...

‘Landmark’ study finds long-acting injectable drug highly effective in preventing HIV

May 18, 2020
  Large-scale study funded by NIAID and ViiV Healthcare halted early after cabotegravir, dosed every two months, shows higher efficacy than daily oral pill.   The decades-long search for a vaccine to prevent HIV reached a new milestone as results from HPTN 083, a global large-scale study, show that the...