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ada-adimora-viiv-fellowshipsTwo one-year fellowships funded by ViiV Healthcare will honor the memory of Dr. Adaora Adimora, a distinguished professor of medicine and epidemiology who worked tirelessly to improve the lives of people living with HIV and prevent people from acquiring HIV. 

Program Overview:

Dr. Adimora Fellowships will train physicians/scientists and epidemiologists who are studying the treatment and prevention of HIV with particular emphasis on woman’s health. to conduct rigorous research regarding the treatment or prevention of HIV and other infectious diseases. Each academic year, one Adimora Fellow will be chosen from Medicine and Epidemiology, as follows.

  1. One Infectious Diseases Fellow (Medicine) – Applicants in Medicine will be Postdoctoral Trainees. 
  2. One Epidemiology Doctoral Student (Epidemiology) – Applicants in Epidemiology will be doctoral students in public health who have successfully completed qualifying examinations with a thesis topic related to the treatment or prevention of infectious diseases.

The Dr. Adaora Adimora Fellowships will be co-directed by Myron Cohen, MD, professor of medicine and director of the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases, and Stephen Cole, PhD, professor of epidemiology, Gilings School of Global Public Health. Fellows will participate in a weekly Friday Morning Infectious Disease Conference Series and work closely with a mentoring faculty mentor.

Viiv-Logo-Adimora-FellowshipFor Applicants:

All applicants will complete an online application form, submit their curriculum vitae, a brief statement of research, and a letter of support from their research mentor. Fellowship selection will be based on the rigor and potential impact of the proposed research. Preference will be given to applicants who are underrepresented minorities. Fellows will be supported to conduct research for one year, beginning September 1.

Please note: Details on how to submit an application are forthcoming.

Fellow Expectations:

Each fellow will be expected to:
• Commit full-time to the fellowship for the entire academic year
• Participate in a weekly Friday conference series
• Collaborate with their chosen mentor to improve the rigor of their science
• Cite the Adimora ViiV Fellowship on any scientific products developed during the fellowship year
• Submit a final close-out report at the end of the fellowship

Fellowship Timeline

(To be expedited for the academic year 2024-2025)
• Application window – February to March
• Fellow Selections March
• Fellow Announcements April
• Fellowship begins September 1
• Fellowship concludes August 30


Adaora Adimora, MD, MPH, FIDSA, was an experienced clinician and accomplished researcher who spent her career studying the epidemiology of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in historically marginalized populations. On January 1, 2024, Dr. Adimora passed away at the age of 67. The world lost a constellation because she was not just one star but many. As the Sarah Graham Kenan Distinguished Professor of Medicine at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill, Dr. Adimora was a celebrated clinician, an eminent epidemiologist and researcher, a championed advocate, a coveted inspiring mentor, a devoted mother, and friend.