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Training Years: 2012-2013

Training Site: Institute of Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS)

Country: Argentina

Mentors: Adolfo Rubinstein, MD, MSc; Jiang He, MD, PhD                                     

Title: Relationship between Apolipoproteins AI and B and dietary patterns in adult populations of three Latin American countries

Project Objectives:

Primary: To assess the relationship between major identified dietary patterns and Apo AI, ApoB plasma levels after adjusting for various potential confounders.

Secondary: To identify the major dietary patterns in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay; To explore Apo AI and B levels stratified by age and gender; To analyze the relationships and interactions of dietary patterns, APO A1 and B levels, lipid profile and other risk factors.

NIH Support: Fogarty fellowship postdoctoral training award

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