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Years: 2020 – 2021

Training Site: University of Kinshasa

Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo

Mentors: Jane Bertrand, PhD, MBA; Patrick Kayembe, MD, MPH, PhD

Title: “Reducing maternal mortality, increasing access to contraception, and aligning sexual and reproductive health services through quality improvements to post-abortion care in Kinshasa, DRC”

Program Objectives:

Aim 1: Assess health system preparedness in Kinshasa, DRC, in human resources for health (HRH), to provide quality post-abortion care (PAC), including integrated sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. Health providers and students will be surveyed to assess knowledge of and attitudes toward PAC clinical guidelines and integrated SRH services, including HIV treatment and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) screening.

Aim 2: Assess health system preparedness, in HRH, to prevent abortions through the provision of postabortion family planning (PAFP) Kinshasa, DRC in the PAC setting. Health providers and students will be surveyed to assess training in, knowledge of, attitudes toward, and intention to provide PAFP in acute/emergency settings.

NIH Support: FIC non-AIDS

Annie Glover fellowship