The British medical journal The Lancet profiled William Fischer, MD, associate professor of medicine and director of emerging pathogens at the UNC Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases, for his dedication to advancing bedside care during outbreaks.
Some people have unique stories about how they met their partner, but William (Billy) Fischer’s is very hard to beat: he met his wife, a pharmacist, after needing emergency post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV following a needlestick injury. Since that time, his life in many ways has been defined by exposures to deadly viruses and inequities in access to care. Through it all, he has been guided by a singular belief that “if we provide the kind of care we ourselves would want to patients with some of the world’s deadliest viral infections, lives can be saved and outbreaks stopped.”
Read more from The Lancet. (This article is available with a free registration.)