The Malawian Program for Mental Health Research Training (WARMHEART) is accepting applications for two-year postdoctoral fellowship positions in Malawi, funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health Fogarty International Center. Administered by the UNC Institute for Global Health & Infectious Diseases, interested applicants are invited to attend an information session on March 24, from 4-5 PM CAT / 10-11 am EDT. The deadline for applications is April 28.
WARMHEART is a fellowship program designed to build mental health research capacity in Malawi while also addressing psychiatric illness across the lifespan. Fellows engage in mentored research training and a myriad of didactic sessions including manuscript writing and leadership training, with opportunities to present work at an annual mental health conference.
Prospective applicants will hold a PhD in a relevant field and be a citizen of a sub-Saharan African country. Funding provided includes stipend, research-related costs, and conference travel expenses. Appointment to the program lasts two years.

Sign Up For the Information Session:
Sign up for the session on the WARMHEART webpage. Contact kristin_reed@med.unc.edu with questions.