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The ID Fellowship Program led by Christopher Sellers, MD, MPH, held a reception for six graduating fellows at the Siena Hotel in Chapel Hill, on the evening of June 18. Joined by Joe Eron, MD, chief of the division of infectious diseases, Myron Cohen, MD, director of the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases, and many other infectious disease providers, the fellows were presented graduation certificates.


The following four were recognized for two years of ACGME sub-specialty physician training in infectious diseases:

  • Brianna Castillo will be doing a Medical Microbiology Fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital with Harvard Medical School.
  • Alexander Commanday, John Franzone, and Stephanie Sweitzer will be continuing at UNC, transitioning into a third year that will be more focused on research. An interview with Sweitzer can be found here

ICHID (immunocompromised host infectious diseases) fellows completed a one-year sub-specialty fellowship.

  • Elizabeth (Eli) Arant (a former ACGME ID fellow) has joined the ID faculty. 
  • Nida Ashraf will join infectious diseases faculty at the University of Maryland’s School of Medicine.

The Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases extends a warm congratulations to all!
