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Routine Pet Dog Checkup Data Can Be Used to Understand Risk of Lyme Disease

October 2, 2024
Ross Boyce, MD, MSc, a member of the Institute and assistant professor of medicine and epidemiology, working with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, North Carolina State University and the Animal Hospital of Boone, found data collected from pet dogs at routine veterinary checkups can be used...

Point-of-Care Diagnostics Guide Antibiotic Use in Rural Uganda

August 22, 2024
Globally, the overuse of antibiotics has led to the spread of antimicrobial resistance, and this is a growing threat to child health. Antibiotics are frequently used to treat children with fever and respiratory symptoms, even though most of these illnesses will resolve on their own. The measurement of C-reactive protein...

Lyme Disease Continues to Move South into North Carolina: Boyce Encourages Healthcare Providers to Test Patients who Present with Typical Symptoms

June 10, 2024
Ross Boyce, MD, MSc, assistant professor of infectious diseases and epidemiologist with the UNC Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases, led a study published in Lancet Regional Health that examined the rapid emergence of Lyme Disease in N.C., between 2010 and 2020. Dr. Boyce says the results confirm what he has...

Delayed Diagnosis of Locally Acquired Lyme Disease, Central North Carolina

February 19, 2024
Healthcare providers in North Carolina have limited experience diagnosing and managing Lyme disease because few cases occur annually statewide. Researchers have published a case study that demonstrates the need for greater awareness and professional education. The article outlines the prolonged diagnostic course for a patient with locally acquired Lyme disease...

Changes in the Seroprevalence of Tick-Borne Rickettsia and Ehrlichia Among Soldiers

February 19, 2024
Researchers with the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases published a tick-borne disease study in the Journal of Infectious Diseases using samples from soldiers stationed at Fort Liberty, North Carolina. In collaboration with the Gillings School of Global Public Health, Womack Army Medical Center and the CDC’s Division of Vector-Borne...

IAMIGHID: The Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Ecology Lab (IDEEL)

October 29, 2023
Researchers in the Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Ecology Lab (IDEEL) at UNC are process driven investigators with a unique comradery, working in 20+ countries to improve basic understandings of pathogens. The applied nature of their work has a direct impact on the health and well-being of millions of individuals around...

Boyce Receives $4.4 Million to Lead a Malaria Intervention Project in Uganda Following Extreme Weather Events

September 15, 2023
The NIH has awarded a multi-disciplinary team led by Ross Boyce, MD, MSc, a $4.4 million, five-year (R01) grant to evaluate the effectiveness of a chemoprevention effort designed to prevent malaria outbreaks after flooding, using a combination of interventions. Boyce is a member of the Institute for Global Health and...

A Rare Domestic Resurgence of Malaria Is Circulating in the US

July 5, 2023
The mosquito-borne disease was eliminated here long ago. Now “revenge travel,” global migration, poor public funding—and maybe climate change—could help it come back. At least four people in Florida and one in Texas have been diagnosed with malaria that they must have caught near where they live—because, according to health officials,...

La Crosse Encephalitis Virus: Understanding a Rare Mosquito-Borne Disease That Affects Children in the Appalachian Region

April 26, 2023
Ross Boyce MD, MSc, partners with Western Carolina University and Mission Hospital to lay the foundation for effective patient care, prevention and public health awareness–funded by the State of North Carolina through the N.C. Collaboratory. In September of 2022, a 10-year-old in Brevard, North Carolina, complained of intense headaches, chills, fever,...

Boyce awarded Doris Duke funding for malaria study in Uganda

August 17, 2021
The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation has awarded Ross Boyce, MD, MSc, a 2021 Clinical Scientist Development Award for his research proposal entitled, “Getting malaria off the back of women and children in western Uganda,” which aims at reducing the incidence of malaria among infants and young children in rural Uganda....