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Supporting People Living With HIV In Vietnam

May 26, 2024
Clinical Trials Day honors all that has been accomplished through clinical trials, as well as the people behind them. The UNC Global Clinical Trials Unit at the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases (IGHID) facilitates high-quality research, with investigators and research coordinators working to address the challenging questions that need...

UNC Global Clinical Trials Unit Launches New HIV Drug Combination For Enhancing Immune Response and Suppression

April 30, 2024
The Institute for Global Health and Infectious Disease’s Global Clinical Trials Unit attracts leading trials from national feeder networks to study treatment innovations that can advance health. A new HIV study with the ACTG will evaluate the safety, tolerability, and antiviral effect of a novel combination regimen that includes therapeutic...

UNC Global Clinical Trials Unit Launches HPTN 102: HIV Prevention Study for Cisgender Women

April 30, 2024
Despite a decline in HIV incidence in women in the U.S., approximately 18% of new HIV diagnoses in 2021 were among women. Meanwhile, many cisgender women have not considered HIV PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) as an option for themselves when it comes to HIV prevention. Historically, studies of interventions to prevent...

The Continued Rise in Syphilis Cases: An Increasing Priority For Global Public Health

April 25, 2024
April is sexually transmitted infections (STI) awareness month, and Arlene Seña, MD, MPH, a researcher with the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases, is sounding the alarm about the importance of syphilis prevention, testing, and treatment. U.S. syphilis cases have increased nearly 80% since 2018,  a level not seen...

New Trial Highlights Incremental Progress Towards a Cure for HIV-1

February 19, 2024
Antiretroviral therapies (ART) stop HIV replication in its tracks, allowing people with HIV to live relatively normal lives. However, despite these treatments, some HIV still lingers inside cells in a dormant state known as “latency.” If ART is discontinued, HIV will awaken from its dormant state, begin to replicate, and...

The Global Fight Against HIV is at Risk

November 2, 2023
Hard-won gains in the long-running global HIV epidemic are in danger of being lost, argues Wafaa El-Sadr, MD, MPH, MPA, global director of ICAP at Columbia University, in a new commentary published today in Science. Co-authored with Myron S. Cohen, MD, director of the Institute for Global Health and Infectious...

UNC-Project China Intern Focuses On ‘Pay-It-Forward’ Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Research

September 28, 2023
As an undergraduate studying health policy and management, Dorian Ho‘s summer internship with UNC Project-China, a collaboration between the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases and Sesh Global, co-directed by Joe Tucker, MD, PhD, and Weiming Tang, PhD, gave him the chance to expand his worldview and contribute to novel research...

NICHD Grant Award Enables Researchers To Address Reasons For Vertical Transmission of HIV in Malawi As the Country Pursues Elimination Goals: Integrated Educational Cores Represent the Best of Capacity Building with Malawian Health Leaders

August 15, 2023
Led by Mina Hosseinipour, MD, MPH, the NIH’s National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), has funded the project “Preventing Infant Infections with Implementation Science in Malawi.” (PRI3SM). The program, in partnership with the Republic of Malawi’s Ministry of Health, comprises three studies to address gaps in prevention services,...

Penile HIV Infection is Effectively Prevented by Antiretroviral Treatment

June 12, 2023
Researchers at the UNC School of Medicine’s International Center for the Advancement of Translational Science and the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases have developed a new approach for the detailed evaluation of HIV infection throughout the entire male genital tract, HIV acquisition via the penis and the efficient...

NIH awards HIV Cure Center $26.2 million over next 5 years

August 23, 2021
The National Institutes of Health has awarded approximately $53 million in annual funding over the next five years to 10 research organizations in a continued effort to find a cure for HIV. The new awards for the Martin Delaney Collaboratories for HIV Cure Research program, initiated in 2011, further expand the...

Study compares mortality of people entering HIV care with general US population

July 21, 2021
HIV-related mortality has decreased since 1996 due to improved treatments and evolving care guidelines, but the extent to which persons entering HIV care have a higher risk for death over the following years, compared with peers in the general population, has been unclear. Joseph Eron, MD, the Herman and Louise...

Institute research sampling, 2018-2020

July 7, 2020
By the spring of 2020, the urgency of the COVID-19 pandemic caused many researchers affiliated with UNC’s Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases to pivot their studies to focus on testing, treatment and prevention of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Here, a look at some of the projects underway in the...

Researchers reverse HIV latency

February 11, 2020
Overcoming HIV latency – induction of HIV in CD4+ T cells that lay dormant throughout the body – is a major step toward creating a cure for HIV. For the first time, scientists at UNC-Chapel Hill, Emory University, and Qura Therapeutics – a partnership between UNC and ViiV Healthcare –...