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Zachary Smith, MD | Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases

Zachary Smith, MD

UJMT/US Postdoc

Headshot Zachary fellowship

Zachary Smith, MD

UJMT/US Postdoc


Training Years: 2018-2019

Training Site: UNC Project-Malawi / Kamuzu Central Hospital

Country: Malawi

Mentors: Eric McCollum, MD; Mina Hosseinipour, MD, MPH

Title: Comparison and validation of diagnostic tools for Pediatric Pneumonia

Project Objectives:

Aim 1: Direct comparison of a low-cost digital stethoscope design (the JHUScope) against a leading market comparison (Thinklabs One®) in the evaluation of lung sound acoustic quality obtained from Malawian children with WHO defined pneumonia.

Aim 2: External validation of the ability of our group’s computerized lung sound analysis (CLSA) software to correctly identify specific sound profiles in Malawian children with pneumonia.

Hypothesis: We hypothesize that the agreement between CLSA and an expert listening panel will be high (kappa >0.8).

NIH Support: Fogarty fellowship postdoctoral training award