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Tessa M. Andermann, MD, MPH | Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases

Tessa M. Andermann, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Contact Information


130 Mason Farm Rd
CB# 7030
Chapel Hill, NC 27599


Tessa M. Andermann, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Areas of Interest

Infectious diseases of immunocompromised patients.


Dr. Andermann is an Infectious Diseases physician specializing in the care of patients with compromised immune systems. She works together with a team of physicians and health professionals to provide the best and most compassionate care possible to patients with cancer or who have undergone transplantation. Dr. Andermann’s research focuses on how intestinal microbiome-host interactions impact infectious complications and other outcomes in patients with hematologic malignancies. Her goal is to develop microbiome-targeted therapies for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases in these and other immunocompromised patient populations.

Awards and Honors

  • UNC Innovation Center Grant Pilot Award- (2024)
  • NC TraCS Translational Science Pilot Award- (2024)
  • Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease Pilot Grant- (2022)
  • NIH-NIAID K23 Career Development Award- (2021)
  • UNC School of Medicine Physician Scientist Training Award- (2020)
  • Amy Strelzer Manasevit Foundation Award- (2019)
  • NIH-NCATS KL2 Mentored Career Award- (2017)
  • ASBMT New Investigator’s Award- (2017)