Priya Sivasubramaniam, MD
UJMT/US Predoc
Training Years: 2013-2014
Training Site: The Cancer Institute and Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CICAMS)
Country: China
Mentor: Jennifer Smith, PhD; You-Lin Qiao, MD, PhD
Title: Breast cancer screening in China: A clinical trial-based integrated study
Project Objectives:
Aim 1: Epidemiological evaluation of current screening efficacy: Create a cohort to evaluate long-term outcomes of frequent breast cancer screening strategies.
Aim 2: Development and evaluation of a sustainable screening program mechanism: Develop and implement a sustainable program by advancing current screening, diagnosis, program management, and cancer registries at various hospital levels, including forming an effective and transferable training system for local hospitals to implement said program.
Aim 3: Evaluation of risk factors for breast cancer in China: Garner comprehensive information on risk factors that influence breast cancer in populations outlined in Aim 1 via questionnaire, as well as how these factors change over time, via utilizing statistical models to predict risk for developing breast cancer on individual and population levels.
Aim 4: Determine impact of breast cancer on quality of life of women in China: Utilize a questionnaire to quantify the impact of breast cancer on quality of life. This includes but is not limited to: knowledge about breast cancer, impact of diagnoses, social acceptability of various screening approaches, and willingness to pay for breast cancer screening.
Aim 5: Create a model-based economic study of breast cancer screening efficiency: Analyze effectiveness and cost efficiency of alternative options for breast cancer screening in China including quantification at societal, governmental, and individual levels, of associated monetary impact and ability to translate research outcomes into health policy and practice.
NIH Support: Fogarty scholars doctoral training award