Nadia Yimer, MD
UJMT/US Predoc
Training Years: 2016-2017
Training Site: University of Cape Town
Country: South Africa
Mentor: Lee Wallis, MBChB, MD; Bhakti Hansoti, MBChB, MPH
Title: Effect of Integrated Infectious Disease Training (IMID) on Symptomatic Screening of HIV Positive Patients in Primary clinics
Project Objectives: Standardized guidelines and protocols play an important role in improving the quality and timely delivery of a comprehensive healthcare. IMAI checklist protocol utilizes clinical signs to identify symptomatic HIV infections and are currently used in Primary Healthcare Centers (PHCs) in South Africa. The goal of this study is to assess the current effectiveness of IMAI checklist in detecting symptomatic screening of HIV and then reassessing the effectiveness after WHO integrated management of infectious disease training of the healthcare providers.
Aim 1: To measure the implementation of IMAI in 5 randomly chosen clinics in Cape Town, SA by measuring the proper use of the tool, using standardized WHO evaluation guidelines for IMAI use namely, evaluating: number of adults asked all questions in the guidelines; number of adults accurately diagnosed and placed on treatment.
Aim 2: Provide the WHO Integrated Management of Infectious Diseases Training (IMID) to a subset of 5 clinics in Cape Town, South Africa.
Aim 3: Preform an intervention analysis of IMAI currently used in those 5 clinics after WHO Integrated Management of Infectious Disease training of health care workers.
NIH Support: Fogarty scholars doctoral training award