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Mutumba Songiso, MBChB, MMed | Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases

Mutumba Songiso, MBChB, MMed


Mutumba Songiso fellowship

Mutumba Songiso, MBChB, MMed



Training Years: 2021 – 2022

Training Site: University of Zambia

Country: Zambia

Mentors: Ronda Henry-Tillman, MD; Groesbeck Parham, MD

Title: “A ONE-STOP Clinic for HIV and women’s cancers”

Program Objectives:

Aim 1. To offer same-day services for clinical, ultrasound, and cytologic evaluation of symptomatic breast masses.
Aim 2. Identification and treatment of cervical cancer precursors using self-HPV testing/visual evaluation, thermal ablation/LLETZ, respectively; biopsy and referral of suspicious cervical lesions the same day.
Aim 3. To offer same-day services for HIV testing and antiretroviral treatment.
Aim 4. To determine the validity and reproducibility of touch imprint cytology (TIC) of breast core needle biopsy specimens in symptomatic women.

NIH Support: NCI