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Mashina Chomba, MBChB, MMed | Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases

Mashina Chomba, MBChB, MMed


Mashina Chomba Fellowship

Mashina Chomba, MBChB, MMed



Training Years: 2021 – 2022

Training Site: University of Zambia

Country: Zambia

Mentors: Deanna Saylor, MD, MHS; Sombo Fwoloshi, MMED

Title: “Characteristics of Neurocysticercosis Among Adults with and without HIV Infection in Zambia”

Program Objectives:
Aim 1. Describe the clinical, demographic and radiological characteristics of adults with NCC at UTH and investigate their association with HIV status.
Aim 2. Compare six-month outcomes of adults with NCC who presented with seizures by HIV status.
Aim 3. Investigate plain thigh and head X-rays as screening tools for NCC amongst adults presenting with new-onset seizures.

NIH Support: NINDS