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Maria Caravedo, MD | Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases

Maria Caravedo, MD


Maria Caravedo, MD



Training Years: 2015-2016

Training Site: Asociacion Benefica PRISMA

Country: Peru

Mentor: Will Checkley, MD, PhD

Title:  Pulmonary and functional status of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis post-treatment

Project Objectives:  

Hypotheses: That differences in functional status arise from a prolonged state of low-grade systemic inflammation, the extent of which varies by disease status. And that impairment of pulmonary function and functional status is greatest among those previously treated for MDR pulmonary TB compared to drug sensitive TB.

Aim 1: Compare a panel of inflammatory biomarkers between non-smoking participants successfully treated for pulmonary tuberculosis and participants without a history of tuberculosis (healthy controls) at baseline.

Aim 2: Compare pulmonary function and functional status between non-smoking participants successfully treated for pulmonary tuberculosis vs. healthy controls at baseline and after 6 months to 1 year of follow up. Data from this preliminary study will build a foundation for a larger (700 participants/arm), 5-year longitudinal R01 study designed to establish a causal relationship between TB and risk of long-term respiratory sequelae, and determine underlying pathways associated with this response.

NIH Support:  Fogarty fellowship postdoctoral training award