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Lily Gutnik, MD | Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases

Lily Gutnik, MD

UJMT/US Postdoc

Lily Gutnik fellowship

Lily Gutnik, MD

UJMT/US Postdoc


Training Years: 2014-2015

Training Site: UNC Project-Malawi

Country: Malawi

Mentors: Satish Gopal, MD, MPH; Clara Lee, MD

Title: From Community Laywomen to Breast Health Workers: A Pilot Training Model to Implement Clinical Breast Exam Screening in Malawi

Project Objectives:  

Aim 1: To assess feasibility and acceptability of clinical breast exam (CBE) screening in Malawi as a possible future strategy for early breast cancer detection in this setting.

Aim 2: To assess clinical outcomes for CBE, including proportion of women with detectable abnormalities and subsequent pathologic diagnoses.

NIH Support:  Fulbright-Fogarty Fellowship Funding