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Julie Jacobson Vann, PhD, MS, RN | Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases

Julie Jacobson Vann, PhD, MS, RN

Associate Professor

Planetary Health Liaison


Contact Information

Julie Jacobson Vann, PhD, MS, RN

Associate Professor

Planetary Health Liaison

Areas of Interest

Greening of healthcare; Planetary health; Strategies to improve vaccination delivery


Dr. Jacobson Vann is an Associate Professor at the School of Nursing. She is passionate about health promotion and disease prevention, environmental health, and greening of health care. She has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, a Masters degree in Business with a focus on Health Care Management, and a PhD in Health Care Policy and Administration with a minor in Epidemiology.  Dr. Jacobson Vann has 45 years of health services experience that spans research and evaluation, academic teaching, health services and managed care administration, and delivery of public health and patient care services. Her primary research focuses on conducting Cochrane Collaboration systematic reviews focused on strategies to increase vaccination rates. She recently collaborated with a team of scientists with Cochrane South Africa and the South African Research Council on another vaccination-related Cochrane Collaboration systematic literature review. In the School of Nursing, she primarily teaches courses focused on health care policy and leadership, health care financing, economics of health systems, human resource management, public health nursing, and evidence-based practice. She engaged in planning, managing, and directing health services research projects for more than 20 years. This experience includes evaluating outcomes, health care costs, and health services utilization associated with Medicaid demonstration program interventions or initiatives, such as chronic disease self-management initiatives, community-based care management services, healthy weight interventions, and prior authorization guidelines for high-cost prescription drugs


  • Carolina Advocates for Climate Health and Equity
  • Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments
  • American Public Health Association


  • BSN-Nursing

    University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

  • MS

    University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee - Business Administration, Health Care Management

  • PhD

    The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Health Policy & Administration; Minor: Epidemiology

  • Residency

    Children's Hospital of Wisconsin