Fei Zou, PhD
Participating Faculty, CFAR Biostatistics Core
Professor, Department of Biostatistics, Gillings
Dr. Zou’s research interests lie in the development and examination of the theoretical methodologies and statistical properties appropriate for the interpretation of genetic data. She is highly experienced in genetic mapping (genome-wide linkage and association in mice and humans), genome-wide association mapping, copy number variation analysis, micro-array data analysis and next-generation sequencing data analysis.
Dr. Zou is a core member of the Carolina Center for Genome Sciences. She is a member of the Center for Integrated Systems Genetics, an NIH-funded center to exploit the utility of the Collaborative Cross mouse model to delineate genetic and environmental determinants of complex psychiatry phenotypes. She is also the director of the biostatistics/bioinformatics core of UNC Neuroscience Center Research Cores.