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David Bui, MPH, PhD   | Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases

David Bui, MPH, PhD  

UJMT/US Predoc

David Bui fellowship

David Bui, MPH, PhD  

UJMT/US Predoc


Training Years: 2015-2016

Training Site: Asociación Benéfica (AB) PRISMA

Country: Peru

Mentors: Robert Gilman, MD

Title: Urban Spaces and Disease: how urban spaces may influence the epidemiology of tuberculosis

Project Objectives:  To investigate how the geographic arrangement and locations of urban community spaces associated with TB transmission (e.g. crowded bars, schools, clinics) may be driving the sustained incidence of TB in urban cities in Peru.

NIH Support:  Fulbright- Fogarty scholars doctoral training award