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Cesar Ugarte-Gil, MD, MSc | Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases

Cesar Ugarte-Gil, MD, MSc


Cesar Ugarte fellowship

Cesar Ugarte-Gil, MD, MSc



Training Years: 2013-2014

Training Site: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH)

Country: Peru

Mentor: Mirko Zimic, PhD

Title: The concentrations of MMPs on lung tissue are correlated with blood and induced samples among TB patients

Project Objectives: Our Hypothesis is the concentrations of MMPs On lung tissue are correlated with blood and induced samples among TB patients. If Our hypothesis is correct, then considering the differences in concentrations among TB And non‐TB patients, it is possible to use surrogate markers as blood and/or sputum MMPs Concentrations to diagnose TB.

Aim 1: To Evaluate the correlation between lung tissue MMPs Concentrations and blood and induced sputum samples among TB patients.

Aim 2: To Evaluate sensitivity and specificity of MMPs Concentrations on blood and Induced Sputum for TB diagnosis

NIH Support:  Fogarty fellowship postdoctoral training award