Brittney Williams, MD, MPH
UJMT/US Postdoc
Years: 2020 – 2021
Training Site: UNC Project-Malawi
Country: Malawi
Mentors: Anthony Charles, MD, MPH; Katherine Westmoreland, MD
Title: “The Development of a Low Cost Staging Algorithm for Esophageal Cancer (EC) in Malawi and Assessment of Quality of Life Measures in Metastatic vs Non-Metastatic EC Patients Undergoing Esophageal Stenting”
Program Objectives:
Aim 1: Determine the sensitivity and specificity of CXR and US combined when compared to CT in identifying distant metastasis in EC patients in Malawi.
Aim 2: Perform a cost-analysis of staging with CXR and US combined vs. staging with CT alone.
Aim 3: Compare QOL and survival outcomes of metastatic vs. non-metastatic EC patients undergoing esophageal stenting.
NIH Support: FIC non-AIDS/ NCI