Becky White, MD, MPH
Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases
Co-Director of HIV Services, North Carolina Department of Corrections
Areas of Interest
Treatment and prevention of HIV/STDs in incarcerated persons and African-Americans
Dr. White is an HIV health service researcher and a practicing infectious disease physician. Dr. White uses her “real world” clinical experience to inform her research. Her research focuses on the dynamic interface between public health and medicine. She was one of the leading physician’s who described the association between the release of HIV-infected prisoners and the subsequent deleterious effect (increase) on their viral loads. This connection continues to have significant HIV-transmission and health outcome implications for at-risk populations in the community as well as released prisoners. Furthermore, along with others, she conducted the first randomized controlled trial of directly observed antiretroviral therapy vs. self-administered antiretroviral therapy in a state prison system. She also has participated in the implementation of the first ever HIV-opt out screening in the North Carolina state prison system. She is now expanding her research focus on the HIV at risk community and her research interests span from HIV screening/testing to access and adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy in underserved populations. Her clinical interests include treatment of HIV infection and syphilis. She invites anyone interested in joining her research team to contact her.
Medical School
University of Virginia Medical School
UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
University of North Carolina Health Sciences Center
Virginia Commonwealth University Health Systems