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Arianna Zanolini, PhD | Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases

Arianna Zanolini, PhD

UJMT/US Postdoc

Ariana Zanolini fellowship

Arianna Zanolini, PhD

UJMT/US Postdoc


Training Years: 2013-2014

Training Site: Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ)

Country: Zambia

Mentor: Carla Chibwesha, MD, MSc

Title: A woman’s decision to deliver in a facility: does her perception of quality matter?

Project Objectives:

Aim 1: To determine which facility characteristics matter the most for perceptions of quality.

Hypothesis: Patient-centered care, waiting times, cleanliness, and respect for privacy (variables selected from the existing literature to react characteristics that are potentially independent from objective quality) will predict perception of quality.

Aim 2: To test whether perception of quality is an independent predictor of a woman’s decision to deliver at the facility.

Hypothesis: A variable capturing perception of quality constructed with the results from Aim#1 will independently predict a woman’s decision to deliver at a facility.

NIH Support:  Fogarty fellowship postdoctoral training award