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Name E-Mail Address Phone Number Division
Myron Cohen, MD, Director (919) 966-2536 Faculty Affiliates
Leadership Team
Yuri Fedoriw, MD, Director of Global Cancer Pathology Leadership Team
Training Programs Faculty
William Fischer, MD, Director of Emerging Pathogens Faculty Affiliates
Leadership Team
Jonathan Juliano, MD, Associate Director ID Fellowship Leadership
Leadership Team
Jeff Stringer, MD, Associate Director for Research (919) 962-0756 Leadership Team
Joe Eron, MD, Associate Director for Infectious Diseases Clinical Trials Leadership Team
Michael Herce, MD, MPH, MSc, Associate Director of Operations Leadership Team
Suzanne Maman, PhD, Associate Director for Education Leadership Team
Irving Hoffman, PA, MPH, Director of International Operations (919) 966-4996 Leadership Team
Joseph Tucker, MD, PhD, MA, Director of UNC-Project China Leadership Team
Anthony Charles, MD, MPH, Director of Global Surgery (919) 966-4389 Leadership Team
Benjamin Chi, MD, MSc, Associate Director of Fellowship Programs Fellowships and Training Programs Office
Leadership Team
Clare Barrington, PhD, Director of Latin America Programs (919) 966-9009 Leadership Team
Amanda Corbett, PharmD, Global Pharmacology Coordinator (919) 843-2280 Leadership Team
UNC Project-China
Robin Criffield, Program Administrator (919) 962-4646 Leadership Team
Moira Rogers (571) 359-8484 global health education
Filemon Bucardo, PhD UJMT 2015-2016
UJMT 2015-2016 Nicaragua
David Bui, MPH, PhD   UJMT 2015-2016 Peru
Rindcy Davis, PhD   UJMT 2016-2017 Zambia
Adel Driss, PhD UJMT 2013-2014 Ghana
Graham Ellis, MD   UJMT 2015-2016 Malawi
Chelsea Gaviola, MD IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Nepal
Chris Lippincott, MD, MPH UJMT 2013-2014 South Africa
Nehal Naik, MD   UJMT 2016-2017 Peru
Lincoln Pac, MD UJMT 2012-2013 Uganda
Julie Rivo, MD   UJMT 2016-2017 Argentina
Priya Sivasubramaniam, MD UJMT 2013-2014 China
Samantha Vogt, MD, MPH UJMT 2016-2017 South Africa
Firoz Abdoel-Wahid, MD, MPH, PhD UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Suriname
Ada Adimora, MD, MPH
Farhang Aghakhanian, PhD IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 UNC-Chapel Hill
Pierre Akilimali, PhD UJMT2018-2019
UMJT 2018-2019 Democratic Republic of Congo
Cecilia Alcala, MPH UJMT 2019-2020 Suriname
Kei Alegria-Flores, PhD   UJMT 2014-2015 Peru
Marla Allen, MPH Fellowships and Training Programs Office
Melissa Amyx, MPH UJMT 2014-2015 Argentina
JingJing "Selena" An, MD IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Malawi
Lambert Appiah, MBChB, FWAP UJMT 2018-2019 Ghana
Nancy Archin, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Tolu Ashimolowo, MD UJMT 2013-2014 Ghana
Tolu Ashimolowo, MD UJMT 2013-2014 Ghana
Kyeremeh Atuahene, PhD UJMT 2017-2018
UJMT 2017-2018 Ghana
Jonathan Banda, MBBS, PhD IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Malawi
Kristin Banek, PhD, MPH UJMT 2019-2020 DemocraticRepublicofCongo
Ralph S. Baric, PhD Covid-19 Resources
Faculty Affiliates
Clare Barrington, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Gilberte Bastien, PhD UJMT 2016-2017
UJMT 2016-2017 Liberia
Allen Bateman, PhD, MPH UJMT 2012-2013 Zambia
UJMT 2014-2015 Zambia
Charles Batte, MBChB, MPH UJMT 2018-2019 Uganda
Joy Noel Baumgartner, MSSW, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Sylvia Becker-Dreps, MD, MPH Faculty Affiliates
Training Programs Faculty
Benilde Bepouka Izizag, MB, PhD, MSc IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Democratic Republic of the Congo
Rebecca Berhanu, MD UJMT 2017-2018
UJMT 2017-2018 South Africa
John Best, MD UJMT 2014-2015 China
Nivedita Bhushan, PhD   UJMT 2016-2017 Malawi
Sarah-Blythe Ballard, MD, MPH UJMT 2012-2013
UJMT 2012-2013 Paru
Laura Boschini, MD, MA UJMT 2012-2013 Paru
UJMT 2013-2014 Peru
Felix Botchway, PhD UJMT 2012-2013 Ghana
Natalie Bowman, MD, MPH Faculty Affiliates
Ross Boyce, MD, MSc Faculty Affiliates
Miriam Braunstein, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Pierre Buekens, MD, PhD UJMT
Agatha Bula, PhD UJMT 2017-2018 Malawi
Vanessa Burrowes, PhD UJMT 2018-2019 Peru
John Bwanika, MBChB UJMT 2019-2020 Uganda
Maria Caravedo, MD UJMT 2015-2016 Peru
Rebecca Carter, MPH UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Democratic Republic of Congo
Marcela Castillo, MD UJMT 2015-2016
UJMT 2015-2016 Zambia
Maganizo Chagomerana, PhD UJMT 2015-2016
UJMT 2015-2016 Malawi
Irene J. Chang, MD UJMT 2012-2013 China
Anthony Charles, MD, MPH Faculty Affiliates
Training Programs Faculty
UNC Project-Malawi
Charles Chasela, PhD UJMT 2014-2015
UJMT 2014-2015 South Africa
Miguel A Chavez, MD UJMT 2014-2015 Peru
William Checkley, MD, PhD UJMT
Wen Chen, PhD UJMT 2013-2014 China
Xiang-Sheng Chen, MD, PhD Faculty Affiliates
UNC Project-China
Carla Chibwesha, MD, MSc Faculty Affiliates
Training Programs Faculty
Women's Health
Carla Chibwesha, MD, MSc UJMT
Brian Chiluba, MSc UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Zambia
Lameck Chinula, MBBS, MMED M-CORP
Training Programs Faculty
UJMT 2016-2017 Malawi
Jeong Choi, MD UJMT 2012-2013 Paru
Tilinde Chokotho, MBBS, OTH IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Malawi
Mashina Chomba, MBChB, MMed UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 Zambia
Neo Christopher Chung, PhD UJMT 2014-2015 Zambia
Stephen Cole, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Chifundo Colleta Zimba, PhD UJMT 2017-2018
UJMT 2017-2018 Malawi
Alexander Commanday, MD IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 UNC-Chapel Hill
Madelyn Conner, BA UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Zambia
Amanda Corbett, PharmD Faculty Affiliates
Giselle Corbie-Smith, MD, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Health Equity
Mary Currie Crocker, MD UJMT 2017-2018
UJMT 2017-2018 Peru
Melissa Culp, MEd, RT(R)(MR) UNC Project-Malawi
Marta Cristina da Silva Gama, PhD UJMT 2014-2015 Brazil
Blossom Damania, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Alissa Davis, PhD UJMT 2014-2015 China
C. Hunter Davis, MPH
Aravinda de Silva, PhD, MPH Faculty Affiliates
Vector-Borne Diseases
Ann Dennis, MD Faculty Affiliates
Samuel Dery, PhD   UJMT 2015-2016 Ghana
Michael Deshotel, PhD UJMT 2013-2014 Peru
Monika Dietrich, MD UJMT 2019-2020 Sierra Leone
Dirk Dittmer, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Robert G. Dixon, MD, FSIR (919) 843-6166
Alex Duncan, MD, PhD Division of Infectious Diseases
Faculty Affiliates
Michelle Eckerle, MD, MPH UJMT 2014-2015 Malawi
Jasmine Sheria Edwards, PhD IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Zambia
Samuel Eitenbichler IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Peru
Jessica Elf, PhD, MPH UJMT 2012-2013 India
UJMT 2013-2014 India
Michael Emch, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Joseph Eron, MD Covid-19 Resources
Division of Infectious Diseases
Faculty Affiliates
April Evans, MD, MPH UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 Malawi
Maria Faidas IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Malawi
Brie Falkard, PhD UJMT 2012-2013 Bangladesh
Claire Farel, MD, MPH Faculty Affiliates
Training Programs Faculty
Lauralee Fernandez, MPH UJMT 2019-2020 Peru
Samuel Ficenec, PhD UJMT 2018-2019 Sierra Leone
Lindsey Filiatreau, PhD UJMT 2018-2019 South Africa
Teresa (Tess) Filipowicz, MPH IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 UNC-Chapel Hill
Elizabeth Fitzgerald, MD Faculty Affiliates
UNC Project-Malawi
Robert Flecker UJMT 2015-2016 Peru
Robert Flick, MD   UJMT 2015-2016 Malawi
Oscar Flores-Flores, MD, MSc UJMT 2018-2019 Peru
Michelle Floris-Moore, MD Faculty Affiliates
ID Fellowship Leadership
Training Programs Faculty
Catherine Ford, MD, MPH UJMT 2015-2016 Zambia
Kellie Freeborn, PhD UJMT 2019-2020 Zambia
Brigitte Frett, MD, MSW   UJMT 2014-2015 Zambia
J. Victor Garcia-Martinez, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Cynthia Gay, MD, MPH Faculty Affiliates
Bradley Gaynes, MD, MPH Training Programs Faculty
Bradley Gaynes, MD, MPH Faculty Affiliates
Joshua Gazzetta, DO IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Zambia
Amrita Gill, MPH UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 India
Danielle Giovenco, PhD UJMT 2018-2019 South Africa
Annie Glover, PhD, MPH, MPA UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Democratic Republic of Congo
Vivian Go, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Training Programs Faculty
Anisma Gokoel, PhD, MSc UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 Suriname
William Goldman, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Carol Golin, MD Faculty Affiliates
Satish Gopal, MD, MPH
Donald Grant, MBChB, MPH UJMT 2016-2017 Sierra Leone
Lauren Graybill, PhD, MS IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 UNC-Chapel Hill
Jing Gu, PhD UJMT 2014-2015 China
Pablo Gulayin, MS, MD UJMT 2016-2017 Argentina
Akshay Gupte, PhD, MBBS, MSPH UJMT 2017-2018
UJMT 2017-2018 India
Lily Gutnik, MD UJMT 2014-2015 Malawi
Brian Hall, PhD UJMT 2013-2014 China
Nancy Hancock, MD, MPH UJMT 2013-2014 Zambia
Bhakti Hansoti, MBChB, MPH UJMT 2013-2014 South Africa
Bryna Harrington, PhD, MD(c) UJMT 2016-2017 Malawi
Brett Heimlich, MD, PhD   UJMT 2014-2015 Malawi
Mark Heise, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Vector-Borne Diseases
Gail Henderson, PhD Faculty Affiliates
UNC Project-China
Michael Herce, MD, MPH, MSc Faculty Affiliates
Michael Herce, MD, MPH, MSc UJMT 2014-2015 Zambia
Marcia Hobbs, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Irving Hoffman, PA, MPH Faculty Affiliates
Training Programs Faculty
UNC Project-Malawi
Thomas (Tom) Holowka, MD, PhD IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 UNC-Chapel Hill
Hunter Holt, MD UJMT 2014-2015 China
Marie-Josèphe Horner, PhD    UJMT 2015-2016 Malawi
Mina Hosseinipour, MD, MPH Faculty Affiliates
Training Programs Faculty
UNC Project-Malawi
Evelyn Hsieh-Donroe, MD, PhD UJMT 2012-2013 China
Martin Hsu, PhD IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 UNC-Chapel Hill
Fengyu Hu, PhD UJMT 2013-2014 China
Shang-Ying Hu, MD, PhD UJMT 2014-2015 China
Amy Huber, PhD UJMT 2017-2018
UJMT 2017-2018 South Africa
Michael Hudgens, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Christopher Hurt, MD Faculty Affiliates
Meera Iyengar, MD UJMT 2018-2019 Peru
Peter Jackson, MD UJMT 2019-2020 Uganda
Pamela Jagger, PhD UJMT 2013-2014 Malawi
Greeshma James
James January, PhD, MSc IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Malawi
Dvora Joseph Davey, PhD UJMT 2016-2017 South Africa
Jonathan Juliano, MD, MSPH Faculty Affiliates
Training Programs Faculty
Vector-Borne Diseases
Samantha Kaplan, MD   UJMT 2015-2016 South Africa
Angela Kashuba, PharmD Faculty Affiliates
Fredrick Kateera, MD, MSc UJMT 2014-2015 Rwanda
Alex Kayongo, MBChB UJMT 2016-2017 Uganda
Thomas Kelley III, JD Faculty Affiliates
Claire Kendig Faggons, MD UJMT 2012-2013 Malawi
Josiah Kephart, PhD UJMT 2017-2018
UJMT 2017-2018 Peru
Maureen Kimani, MD UJMT 2012-2013 Ghana
Stephen Kimani, MBChB UJMT 2019-2020 Malawi
Jennifer Kincaid, MD 2018-2019 Malawi
Esther Kip, PhD, MPH UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 Malawi
Esther Kip, PhD, MPH IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Malawi
Racquel E. Kohler, PhD UJMT 2013-2014 Malawi
Kofi Kondwani, PhD UJMT
Dawn Kopp, MD, MPH UJMT 2015-2016 Malawi
Amanda Kovacich, MD, MPH UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 Peru
Martina Kovarova, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Christina Kozycki, MD UJMT 2013-2014 Rwanda
UJMT 2014-2015 Rwanda
Priyanka Kulkarni-Raichur, MBBS UJMT 2012-2013 India
Anne Lachiewicz, MD, MPH Faculty Affiliates
ID Fellowship Leadership
Kathryn Lancaster, PhD UJMT 2013-2014 Malawi
Stanzi Le Roux, MBChB, MPH UJMT 2014-2015 South Africa
Fan Lee, MD UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Malawi
Gwenyth Lee, PhD UJMT 2014-2015 Peru
Lana Lee, MD UJMT 2013-2014 Uganda
Cecilia Lekpor, MPhil UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Ghana
Stanley M. Lemon, MD Faculty Affiliates
Duo Li, MD UJMT 2013-2014 Ghana
Linghua Li, PhD UJMT 2014-2015 China
Sin How Lim, PhD UJMT 2013-2014 Malaysia
Jessica Lin, MD Division of Infectious Diseases
Faculty Affiliates
Vector-Borne Diseases
Fengying Liu, MD UJMT 2015-2016 China
Dorothy Lombe, MD, MMED UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Zambia
Teagan Lukacs, DO, MPH, MBS IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Ghana
Zubair Lukyamuzi, MBBS, MPH UJMT 2019-2020 Uganda
Alicia Majeau, PhD, MS UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 Mexico
Suzanne Maman, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Yukari Manabe, MD
Gugu Mapurisa, MBBS IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 South Africa
David M. Margolis, MD Faculty Affiliates
Training Programs Faculty
Benjamin Mason Meier, JD, LLM, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Mitch Matoga, MBBS UJMT 2019-2020 Malawi
Ashley McCray, BS UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Malawi
Katrina A. McGinty, MD (919) 966-4292 Faculty Affiliates
Lindsey McLean
Catherine Hooper Miele, MD UJMT 2014-2015 Peru
Thomas Miles, PhD UJMT 2017-2018
UJMT 2017-2018 Peru
Virginia Miller, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Yohannie Mlombe, MBChB, MMed UJMT 2012-2013 Malawi
Cary Moody, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Jennifer Morgan, MD UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Malawi
Seth Morrison, MD IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Zambia
Marriam Mponda, MBBS IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Tanzania
Kate Muessig, PhD Faculty Affiliates
UNC Project-China
Grace Mulholland, PhD IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Malawi
Masangu Mulongo, MBBCh UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 South Africa
Richard Munana, MD, MPH UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Uganda
Matthew Murrill, MD, PhD UJMT 2017-2018 India
Dzidzai Muyengwa, MPH Fellowships and Training Programs Office
Kabisa Mwala, MBChB, MMed, FCS-ECSA UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 Zambia
Victor Mwapasa, PhD mhirst
Rose Nabatanzi, PhD, MS IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Uganda
Ruth Nabisere, MBBS, MPH UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Uganda
Rita Nakalega, MBChB, MPH UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Uganda
Prossy Nakanwagi, MBChB UJMT 2013-2014 Ghana
Irene Nakatudde, MBChB, MMed, MPH UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 Uganda
Sonia Napravnik, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Mwawi Ng'oma, PhD IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Malawi
McNeil Ngongondo, PhD (c), MBBS UJMT 2017-2018
UJMT 2017-2018 Malawi
Khanh Nguyen, PhD IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 UNC-Chapel Hill
Holly Nishimura, MPH UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Uganda
Anxious Niwaha, PhD UJMT 2017-2018
UJMT 2017-2018 Uganda
Dalau Nkamba, PhD, MB, MPH UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 Democratic Republic of Congo
Annette Nti, MS UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Ghana
Aparna Nutakki, MD (c) UJMT 2019-2020 Zambia
Maggie Nyang'wa, PhD, MMed, MSc, FRCPCH UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 Malawi
Michele O'Shea, MD UJMT 2013-2014 Malawi
Richard Oberhelman, MD UJMT
Austin Oberlin, MD UJMT 2017-2018
UJMT 2017-2018 South Africa
Jasantha Odayar, MPH, MBChB UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 South Africa
Dennis Ongubo, MBChB, MPH UJMT 2013-2014
UJMT 2013-2014 Malawi
Heather Paich, PhD UJMT 2013-2014 South Africa
Mathew Painschab, MD UJMT 2017-2018
UJMT 2017-2018 Malawi
Stephen Pan, PhD UJMT 2016-2017 China
Groesbeck Parham, MD Faculty Affiliates
Women's Health
Jonathan Parr, MD, MPH Division of Infectious Diseases
Faculty Affiliates
Rolvix Patterson, MD, MPH IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 South Africa
Brian Wells Pence, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Training Programs Faculty
Audrey Pettifor, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Training Programs Faculty
Diana Pham, MD UJMT 2015-2016 Argentina
Leeya Pinder, MD UJMT 2016-2017 Zambia
Rosanna Poggio, MD, MSc UJMT 2012-2013 Argentina
Suzy Pollard, PhD UJMT 2013-2014 Peru
UJMT 2015-2016 Peru
Meghan Prin, MD UJMT 2016-2017 Malawi
Kaushik Puranam, BA UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 Malawi
Laura Purcell, MD UJMT 2019-2020 Malawi
Anil Purohit, MD UJMT 2014-2015 Malawi
Yilu Qin, MD   UJMT 2015-2016 China
Nancy Raab-Traub, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Kristin Reed, MPH Fellowships and Training Programs Office
Melissa Reimer-McAtee, MD UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 Malawi
Rachel Resop, PhD, MPH UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 Zambia
Carolyn Reuland, BS, BA UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 Peru
Jennifer Rha IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Peru
Michael Ripple, MS, PhD UJMT 2014-2015 Argentina
Tiarney Ritchwood, PhD UJMT 2015-2016 South Africa
Katelyn Rittenhouse, MD UJMT 2017-2018
UJMT 2017-2018 Zambia
Katelyn J. Rittenhouse, MD IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Zambia
Matthew Robinson, MD UJMT 2016-2017 India
Karina Romero, MD, MSc UJMT 2012-2013 Paru
Heather Root, MD UJMT 2019-2020 South Africa
Nora Rosenberg, PhD UJMT 2012-2013 Malawi
UJMT 2013-2014 Malawi
Carolina Ruiz, MSPH IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 UNC-Chapel Hill
Bill Rutala, MS, MPH, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Jonathan Sachs, MD UJMT 2014-2015 India
Friday Saidi, MBBS, MMED UJMT 2019-2020 Malawi
Robert Samuels, MBChB UJMT 2018-2019 Sierra Leone
Juan Sanchez, MD UJMT 2017-2018
UJMT 2017-2018 Peru
Francesca Schiaffino, DVM, PhD UJMT 2018-2019 Peru
John Schmitz, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Sheree Schwartz, PhD UJMT 2012-2013 South Africa
Michael Sciaudone, MD UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 Peru
Allison Seeger, PhD UJMT 2015-2016
UJMT 2015-2016 South Africa
Christine Sekaggya-Wiltshire, MBChB, MMed UJMT 2015-2016 Uganda
Daniel Semakula, MBChB, MPH, PhD UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Uganda
Arlene Seña, MD, MPH Faculty Affiliates
ID Fellowship Leadership
Andrea Shahum, MD, PhD   UJMT 2016-2017 China
Navid Shams Javani, MD, MPH UJMT 2012-2013 Paru
Kate Shearer, PhD UJMT 2019-2020 South Africa
Gordon Shen, PhD UJMT 2012-2013 China
Trishul Siddharthan, MD UJMT 2015-2016 Uganda
Emmanuel Singogo, MSc, PhD UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Malawi
Shay Slifko, MA IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 South Africa
Jennifer Smith, PhD Cancer
Faculty Affiliates
M. Kumi Smith, PhD UJMT 2015-2016 China
Zachary Smith, MD 2018-2019 Malawi
Megan Smithmyer, PhD UJMT 2018-2019 Zambia
Lissa Fortes Soares, MPH UJMT 2019-2020 Suriname
Wesley Solomon, PhD, MBA IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Ghana
Mutumba Songiso, MBChB, MMed UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 Zambia
Bridget Spelke, MD UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Zambia
Charles Ssemugabo, MPH UJMT 2019-2020 Uganda
Bryce Stamp, MPH IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 UNC-Chapel Hill
Diana Stanley, MSPH, Administrative Director for Research and Compliance (919) 843-7935 Leadership Team
Hannah Steinberg, MSPH UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Peru
Jonathan K. Stiles, PhD UJMT
Jeff Stringer, MD Faculty Affiliates
Women's Health
Lishan Su, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Dallas Swanson, MD UJMT 2014-2015 Peru
Ron Swanstrom, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Heidi Swygard, MD, MPH
Jennifer Tang, MD, MSCR Faculty Affiliates
UNC Project-Malawi
Women's Health
Jennifer Tang, MD, MSCR UJMT 2012-2013 Malawi
Weiming Tang, MD, PhD UJMT 2015-2016 China
Nicholas Teodoro, MD, MPH IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 South Africa
Pankti Thakkar, MD   UJMT 2016-2017 South Africa
Cynthia Thomas IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 UNC-Chapel Hill
Elizabeth Thomas, PhD UJMT 2018-2019 Bangladesh
James Thomas, PhD Faculty Affiliates
Trevor Thompson, PhD   UJMT 2014-2015 Mali
Jenny Ting, PhD Cancer
Faculty Affiliates
Jacob Todd, MD, MS, MPHTM UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Malawi
Tamiwe Tomoka, MBBS UJMT 2019-2020 Malawi
Jeffrey Tornheim, MD UJMT 2016-2017 India
Kathy Trang, PhD UJMT 2017-2018
UJMT 2017-2018 Vietnam
Grace Trompeter, MSPH, MD UJMT 2018-2019 Peru
Joseph Tucker, MD, PhD, MA Faculty Affiliates
Training Programs Faculty
UNC Project-China
Carrie Tudor, PhD UJMT 2012-2013 South Africa
UJMT 2013-2014 South Africa
Cesar Ugarte-Gil, MD, MSc UJMT 2013-2014 Peru
Lindsay Underhill, PhD UJMT 2017-2018
UJMT 2017-2018 Peru
Braulio M. Valencia, MD, MSc UJMT 2015-2016 Peru
David van Duin, MD, PhD Division of Infectious Diseases
Faculty Affiliates
ID Fellowship Leadership
Linda Van Le, MD Cancer
Faculty Affiliates
Michael Vinikoor, MD UJMT 2012-2013 Zambia
Arioene Vreedzaam, MA UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Suriname
Angela Wang, BA, BS UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 Vietnam
Margaret Wang, MD UJMT 2016-2017 China
Matthew Ward, PhD UJMT 2019-2020 Peru
Emily Weaver, PhD UJMT 2013-2014 Argentina
David Weber, MD, MPH Covid-19 Resources
Division of Infectious Diseases
Faculty Affiliates
Jennifer Webster-Cyriaque, DDS, PhD
Kate Westmoreland, MD UJMT 2015-2016 Malawi
Becky White, MD, MPH Division of Infectious Diseases
Faculty Affiliates
Pandora White, PhD UJMT 2019-2020 Peru
Ryan Wilkins IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 Malawi
Brittney Williams, MD, MPH UJMT 2020-2021
UJMT 2020-2021 Malawi
Kendra Williams, PhD UJMT 2017-2018
UJMT 2017-2018 Peru
UJMT 2019-2020 Peru
Nana Wilson, PhD, MPH UJMT 2016-2017 Ghana
David Wohl, MD Faculty Affiliates
Courtney Woods, PhD UJMT 2014-2015 Brazil
Adaeze Wosu, PhD UJMT 2018-2019 Uganda
Racquel Wright, PhD   UJMT 2014-2015 Jamacia
Nadia Yimer, MD   UJMT 2016-2017 South Africa
Avital Yohann, MD, MPH UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 Malawi
Victoria Youngblood, PhD 2018-2019 Malawi
Caroline Yu IGHID Fellows 2023-2024
IGHID Fellows 2023-2024 UNC-Chapel Hill
Arianna Zanolini, PhD UJMT 2013-2014 Zambia
James Zhang, BA UJMT 2021-2022
UJMT 2021-2022 Vietnam
Yuqian Zhao, PhD   UJMT 2012-2013 China