The OIA would like to congratulate the Refugee Health Initiative (RHI) on being the campus organization recipient of the 2017 Robert E. Bryan Public Service Award for its outstanding engagement and service to the state of North Carolina.
*Pictured: (Bottom row, center) Susanna Epling and Khin Hnit Oo accepting the award alongside this year’s other individual recipients.
“The Refugee Health Initiative (RHI) received the campus organization award for its outreach to refugee families who have settled in the local community. Founded in 2009, RHI has provided a sense of belonging in the community as well as access to needed services, including healthcare and social resources. This year, RHI matched 66 undergraduate and graduate students with 32 refugee families across Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Durham. As RHI pairs students with refugee families, students are able to regularly meet with and serve refugee families and ease the burden on local resettlement agencies.”