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Spanish Language/Clinical Placement Program in Cusco, Peru 

  • Four-week clinical observation elective with a clinic/medical facility in the Cusco Area. Some clinic options include:
  • The four-week clinical program can be combined with two (or more) weeks of pre-program in intensive Spanish (recommended for those with intermediate or lower Spanish skills)
  • Additionally if approved by OGHE, it can also be arranged as a two week intensive Spanish and two week clinical placement elective.
  • Spanish classes are available during the four-week clinical portion (half day clinic/half day language classes). Language classes are provided by Latino Schools.
  • Housing is in homestays which provide two meals a day
  • Weekly reflections with the other UNC medical students (if applicable)


  • Applicants must be in good standing at UNC and participate fully on the program.
  • If accepted into the program, participants must be responsive to pre-departure requirements (and additional paperwork/communications) and participate in any pre-departure meetings and post-program meetings.
  • Participants must also help OGHE promote the program for the next year through info sessions and sharing their experience with others.

Program Capacity/Dates

The site does not have a particular capacity limit, however each clinical site may have a limitation on the number of students that can be there during a four-week period.

Sample Daily Schedule for Clinical Program:

  • Clinic – Mornings
  • Spanish classes in the afternoons (for lower-level Spanish students, for more advanced students this is optional or more time can be spent in the clinic)


Apply for the OGHE travel award. If you receive a travel award, the OGHE may the $2,550 program fee + health insurance* – however this is dependent on the budget and number of applicants.

Students should apply for the OGHE travel award for the September or February deadline (the date that falls several months prior to their participation on the program).

  • Four weeks with Latino Schools (40 hours of Spanish total = 2 hours per day/5 days a week) + homestay with two meals a day + airport transfers + clinical placement and supervision = $2,550 per student.
    OR Four weeks with Latino Schools (60 hours of Spanish total = 4 hours per day/5 days a week for 2 week of intensive Spanish and 2 hours per day/5 days a week for two weeks while in clinical rotations) + homestay with two meals a day + airport transfers +  2 week clinical placement and supervision = $2,850 per student.
  • $50 for health insurance (four weeks) *covered by OGHE for all students on Global Health electives
  • Immunizations/Medications – TBD
  • Flight – approx.  $800-1,500 (big range depending on when you book and when you are going)
  • Visa fee (at airport) – N/A
  • Personal Expenses – TBD

Note: Two additional weeks of intensive Spanish classes (40 hours or 20 hours a week) and host family+ two meals a day in Cusco (40 hours): $1,280 [Note: This is not usually covered by OGHE funding.] This is recommended and/possible required for any students at intermediate or lower level to be able to get the most out of the clinical experience.

Elective Credit

Third and fourth-year medical students are approved by OGHE to enroll in GLBE 409: Medical Spanish Immersion and Clinical Elective.  It is possible with arrangement with OGHE that a fourth-year student may choose instead to enroll in GLBE 405 -3 Comparative Health Systems.  (This course currently fulfills the ACS graduation requirement), GLBE 477 (Global Primary Care), or GLBE 401 Foundations of Global Health depending on the placement and time in Peru.

For the clinical rotation, most fourth-year students have found it is a more observational role due to language and cultural difference and unfamiliarity with the Peruvian medical system.  However fourth-year students have reported the experience as an extremely valuable one.


This program does not require an initial application.  First year students can participate in this program the summer after their first year.  Students should contact OGHE about their interest and apply for the the February OGHE travel award deadline if they want funding for their program.

Third and Fourth-year students can participate in any registration block available (per approval from advisors and SOM).  Students should contact OGHE about their interest and apply for the OGHE travel award for the September or February deadline (the one that is several months prior to their participation on the program).

Contact/Next Steps

Contact OGHE to express interest in the program and for questions/next steps.  All participants must complete the pre-departure requirements. Previous participant contact information can also be provided upon request.

Past UNC Students in Cusco

See the Past Participants Chart for information on students who went to Cusco.

Read the August 2024 article on Bolivia and Peru cohort programs