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Other UNC-based Scholarships for Global Health

The Student Summer Fellowship program offers opportunities for medical students to complete a research or service project related to community health. Projects must be focused on studying cultural competency issues, developing skills to become relationship-centered physicians, and addressing a public health need in an underserved community or population. The grant award includes a $4,000 stipend for a 10-week period. Projects that do not meet the 10-week requirement will be prorated accordingly. Applications are due mid March.

The Carolina Medical Student Research Program is for students who have completed at least their first semester of medical school. The funding is comprised of grant stipends for about 40 students to engage in research each year. Projects are short-term (8-12 weeks) and are conducted in the summer after the first year of medical school. Occasionally, one-year or short-term school year projects are funded, as money is available.

The CFK Africa Peacock Fellowship provides a stipend of $4,000 to one undergraduate student and $6,000 to one graduate student annually for an immersive 8-week experience in Kenya.  The application deadline is general in mid-November each year.
The Hyatt Rotary Public Service Award is given annually in support of innovative public service projects that exemplify the motto of Rotary International, “Service above Self.” The award is named for the late Dr. Ronald W. Hyatt, Professor of Exercise and Sport Science at UNC-Chapel Hill and long-time member of the Chapel Hill Rotary Club, in recognition of his distinguished career at the University and his commitment to helping others. Two awards will be given this year, one (up to $3,000) for an international project and one (up to $2,000) for a local project. If the local project involves members of the Chapel Hill Rotary Club in some way, there is a possibility of additional funds.

Long-term Opportunities for Funding (10 weeks -12 months)

The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship is awarded to four third year medical students to work for at least three months as fellows at the Albert Schwitzer Hospital in Lambarene, Gabone on clinical rotations. This experience offers opportunity for clinical experience in pediatrics, medicine and community health in this French speaking environment and to be involved in outreach projects at this world renowned medical research unit for Africa. French fluency required.  
The CIDRZ HIVCorps Fellows Program provides a valuable field training opportunity for future Zambian and expatriate public health leaders. In the setting of a vibrant international organization based in Lusaka, fellowship attachments are 10-12 months long. This HIVCorps Fellowship provides opportunities to gain field experience in: Program implementation and management, Clinical trials research, Clinical care quality improvement systems, Data management and outcomes analysis, Public health communications. The HIVCorps Fellowship targets medical, nursing or MPH students; recent graduates who wish to gain international experience; and college graduates, including those with Post-baccalaureate degrees, with substantial skills or experience.

For additional information see:

This award is meant to enrich the educational experiences of medical students through projects that bear on medicine as they contribute to the health of communities, and to address the human needs of underserved or disadvantaged patients or populations. The content of the Fellowship might include clinical investigation, public health/epidemiology, health policy analysis, activities linking biomedicine, the social infrastructure and human or community need.Competition is open to candidates attending medical or dental school in the United States. Funding will be provided for research projects lasting between ten (10) Duration: Funding will be provided for research projects lasting between ten (10) and twelve (12) weeks in the summer of the application year, between the applicant’s first and second years of medical. Students are encouraged to pursue research projects that extend beyond the startup period. Students can choose from ongoing projects Stipend: Up to five grants will be awarded with a stipend of $4,000 each for student research projects in the summer of the award year.


UNC/Chapel Hill is one of six US medical schools offering a Doris Duke International Clinical Research Fellowship for medical students with an international placement site. This intensive year long mentoring program in clinical research is intended to encourage students to pursue a career in clinical research. Applicants may apply from any US medical school. Approximately 75% of the year would be spent abroad in the designated site. Funding for travel as well as a modest annual stipend is included in the award.

For additional information see:

The UJMT Fogarty Global Health Fellowship supports mentored research training opportunities for promising postdoctoral fellows and doctoral students. Sponsored by the Fogarty International Center – as well as other institutes, centers and offices at the NIH – our program provides stipend, research, and travel for 12-month research attachments. Trainees live and work full-time at affiliated research sites in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Our consortium brings together four leading U.S. institutions (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Johns Hopkins University, Morehouse School of Medicine, Tulane University) and partnering institutions in 13 countries.

Website: *Kathryn Salisbury in UNC IGHID is the contact for both – year long, global health clinical research programs.

This fellowship, sponsored by the US State Department, supports year long research programs, whether part of formal degree programs (for medical students) or individual research, in over 140 countries. More than 1000 grants are awarded annually and though not specifically designed for medical students, many opportunities are available.

For additional information see:

This program provides an opportunity for third and fourth year medical students to gain public health experience in an international setting. Fellows spend four to six weeks in a developing country working on a priority health problem in conjunction with CDC staff. Students can choose from ongoing projects Duration/Stipend: 6-12 weeks as assigned / $3,000


Other funding sources

American Medical Women’s Association’s Overseas Assistance Program: The AWHS Overseas Assistance Grant program provides travel grants for medical students and residents working in clinics around the world. Students have traveled to a number of countries ranging from Uganda, Peru, India, Nepal, South Africa. This grant provides assistance with transportation costs up to $1,000 connected with pursuing medical studies in an off-campus setting where the medically neglected will benefit.
American Women’s Hospital Services Overseas Assistance Grant Program provides travel grants for medical students and residents working in clinics around the world. Students have traveled to a number of countries ranging from Uganda, Peru, India, Nepal, South Africa. $1,000 max.
The Benjamin H. Kean Travel Fellowship in Tropical Medicine is awarded annually to support medical students involved in clinical or research electives in tropical areas. The Fellowship is designed to encourage young people to continue their work in tropical medicine and hygiene and recognize their achievements thus far.
Christian Medical and Dental Associations – provide various mission scholarships for student and resident members wishing to spend time overseas as a rotation elective.
Child Family Health International offers scholarships for students to apply towards a CFHI Global Health Education Program of their choice either throughout the year or for their summer elective program. Please follow this link for details.
Infectious Diseases Society of America: An important part of IDSA’s mission is to promote the subspecialty of infectious diseases by attracting the best and brightest medical students to the field. To further this goal, the IDSA Education and Research Foundation offers scholarships to 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year medical students in U.S. and Canadian medical schools with mentorship by an IDSA member or fellow.
International Heelers Scholarship (for a Christian UNC student interested in working with Christian Emergency Relief Teams)
Rotary Foundation International funds for 3-6 months international or cross-cultural study
Sara’s Wish Scholarship Foundation – independent endowed scholarship for a female student