Requirements & Eligibility
OGHE Scholarship Timeline:
OGHE Funding | Student Application Deadline | Deadline for Faculty Letters of Support | Award Decision By: |
2023 late Fall/2024 Spring OGHE Med Student Global Health Travel Awards (MS4) | September 15 | September 22 | Decisions emailed by October 15 |
2024 late Spring/Summer/early Fall OGHE Medical Student Global Health Travel Award (MS1/MS4) | February 15 | February 22 | Decisions emailed by March 15 |
OGHE Travel Award Eligibility:
Awards are for individuals, UNC medical students only
- Student groups are not eligible for this award
- Applicants who have received the OGHE funding in the past are not eligible to receive a second award for a similar experience
- Students with financial need are prioritized
Minimum of 2 week program length (funding is prioritized for 4 week program lengths)
Prior approval from the host site & course director (if receiving UNC SOM academic credit)
Completing all UNC SOM global pre-travel requirements before departure with written approval from the OGHE to travel
Funding for retroactive electives are not accepted
OGHE Travel Award Requirements and Links:
- Applicants must be current UNC medical students in good academic standing
- Applicants must submit their funding application using the designated online APPLICATION FORM. We suggest you first download a word version to prepare your responses before submitting via the online form.
- All required documentation must be submitted/uploaded in the online form except the recommendation letter(s).
- Curriculum Vitae or Resume
- Essay and Short answer questions
- Two Letters of Recommendation –
1) Host Site/Faculty Advisor for the Elective Letter of Reference: This letter must be from the on-site clinical/program/research supervisor OR the faculty advisor who has an ongoing relationship with the in-country team. In their letter, they are asked to address your suitability for the elective, that you have permission to participate for your stated length of time, your daily role, and supervision. This LOR is not required for students applying for the OGHE Bolivia or Cusco, Peru programs or one of the official exchange programs (University of Navarra, Spain; La Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH); or King’s College London). For third party programs (CFHI, HHE, etc. contact us to see what host site info may be required) Have the recommendation letter emailed to
2) UNC SOM Letter of Reference: The UNC letter should come from a faculty advisor or UNC faculty member who can speak to your candidacy for the scholarship (character and academic achievements). Have the recommendation letter emailed to with your letter writers and host sites in advance to plan ahead and meet the LOR deadlines.