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To enroll in any SOM global health elective or to travel in a student role, regardless of credit, every student is required to receive final OGHE approval by completing the Office of Global Health Education’s Pre-Departure requirements 8 weeks in advance. Faculty permission to enroll in a course does not deem your elective approved until OGHE confirms travel is permitted.

Before you Depart

Registering for SOM Course Credit?


Pre-Clinical Elective Request

Form This form is required for medical students who are completing a credit-bearing global health elective in addition to international global health work. After you have met with the OGHE Assistant Director and clarified the UNC Faculty Advisor for your international elective, secure the course director’s signature, then submit the form to the Registrar’s Office.

  • For Foundation Phase students who participate in a summer global elective and want this to be a summer registration course, check the box “Summer Semester” and in the Registration Dates, enter start and end dates as June 30-July 31. The UNC Course Faculty Director signs for the “Preceptor”

Identify the preceptor evaluation form associated with your global program, print out before you leave, have it completed by on site preceptor, and return to UNC faculty course advisor in order to meet grading requirements

Course TypeFormStudent StandingNotes
Clinical ElectiveIP Common Assessment Form Clinical Individualization PhaseThis is the form that will automatically be sent for most electives
Research ElectiveIP Common Assessment Form Research Individualization PhaseIf a student is taking a research elective, use this form; let us know so UNC preceptor form will match.
If there is a clinical component, use the Clinical elective form.
General ElectiveIP Common Assessment Form GeneralIndividualization PhaseUse this form for service learning, language, etc. Let us know so UNC preceptor form will match.
If there is a clinical component, use the Clinical elective form.
Pass-Fail ElectiveIP Common Assessment Form Pass Fail Electives Individualization PhaseOnly use for 3-credit-hour courses; these are the only Individualization phase courses that are Pass/Fail.
Pre-Clinical ElectiveFP Elective Common Assessment FormFoundation PhaseThe same form can be used for all Foundation phase students; all courses are pass/fail.

Involved in International Research Abroad?

Complete this required Training for students involved in IGHID international clinical research

Travel, Health and Safety Documents

When You Return

Global Health Experience- Student Evaluation of Elective
This is required no more than 4 weeks after your return date. All students who travel in a UNC role, regardless of academic credit or funding, are required to complete and return this evaluation via email to the OGHE Assistant Director to serve as a resource for future students. Failure to do this will result in a hold placed on your student account until this is confirmed by the OGHE.