Matthew Collins, MD, PhD
Fellow, Institute for Global Health & Infectious Diseases
OIA Global Health Scholar
Thursday, December 15, 2016
UNC Hospital Starbucks upstairs
View Lecture: https://echo2.med.unc.edu:8443/ess/echo/presentation/3ce8801e-5380-4158-ad4f-1cd48bba8873
View Powerpoint: 2017 Banco a Campo. GHF ppt
Dr. Matt Collins is originally from North Augusta, SC. He studied Chemistry at Furman University and received his MD from the Medical College of Georgia and PhD from the University of Georgia in Rick Tarleton’s lab working on non lymphoid CD8+ T cell responses to chronic trypanosoma cruzi infection in mice. That research also showed that oral vaccination with genetically attenuated parasites elicits protection to a heterotopic challenge and a T. cruzi-specific CD8+ T cell response similar to that in WT infection. Dr. Collins completed residency in Internal Medicine at Boston Medical Center before coming to UNC for the Infectious Diseases fellowship. He then joined the De Silva lab to gain experience in molecular virology and further develop his interest in Global Health, tropical and emerging infections, and immunologic aspects of host-pathogen interactions.