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Training Years: 2015-2016

Training Site: Desmund Tutu HIV Centre at the University of Cape Town

Country: South Africa

Mentors: Audrey Pettifor, PhD; Linda-Gail Bekker, PhD, MBChB, DTMH,DCH, FCP(SA) – IAVI

Title: The feasibility and acceptability of using of community mobilization methods to activate Treatment as Prevention (TasP) among youth

Project Objectives: This project will complement the overall purpose of the parent grant (1R01MH103198-01A1; Pettifor, Co-PI)  by using community-based participatory research (CBPR) methods to explore individual and socio-structural factors that influence youths’ willingness to and capacity for participating in HIV testing, and linking to and being retained in care of HIV+. Through CBPR methods, the study uses formative research to lay the foundation for intervention development and lead to increased community by-in through engaging youth in discussions regarding perceived barriers and facilitators to HIV testing and care.

Rationale: The greater youth involvement and community acceptability of sexual health promotion through mobilization will lead to more HIV testing and greater engagement in HIV care due to more open communication about sex, less HIV-related fear and stigma, greater agency to make informed decisions about HIV care, and positive individual and socio-structural change.

NIH Support:  Fogarty fellowship postdoctoral training award

Career Development Award: K08MH118965 (2019-2024) Social Support to Retain Adolescents Living With HIV in Care and Improve Art Adherence

Tiarney Ritchwood fellowship