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Years: 2020 – 2021

Training Site: Kinshasa School of Public Health

Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo

Mentors: Xu Xiong, MD, DrPH; Paul Lusamba, MD, PhD

Title: “Implementation Evaluation of a Clinical Mentoring Program to Improve Maternal and Newborn Healthcare in Rural Facilities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo”

Program Objectives: The objective of this proposed research project is to build upon the current intervention effectiveness evaluation to investigate core implementation domains that relate to dissemination and scale-up utilizing the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR).

Aim 1: To assess the acceptability, adoption, and appropriateness of the clinical mentoring intervention with mentors and mentees after completion of the project.
Hypothesis 1: Mentors and mentees assess the program as acceptable, adoptable, and appropriate.

Aim 2: To assess the acceptability, appropriateness, feasibility, and sustainability of the clinical mentoring intervention with Ministry of Health officials and super mentors.
Hypothesis 2: Ministry of Health officials and super mentors assess the program as acceptable, appropriate, feasible, and sustainable

NIH Support: FIC non-AIDS

Rebecca Carter fellowship