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Training Years: 2014-2015

Training Site: University of the West Indies

Country: Jamaica

Mentors: Jacqueline Hibbert, PhD; Jonathan Stiles, PhD

Title: Assessment of Moringa oleifera Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Principles in Anemic Conditions in vitro and ex vivo

Project Objectives:  

Hypothesis: The Moringa supplement (Moringa oleifera plant consumed in African and Asian countries and possesses several phenolic and other compounds with known antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds could be of therapeutic value in alleviating these clinical manifestations in SCD.) will reduce inflammation in SCD and alleviate organ damage, particularly in the kidneys, liver and heart. We will begin to test this hypothesis by addressing two specific aims.

Aim 1: To test for anti-sickling properties of Moringa extract in sickle cell blood ex vivo.

Hypothesis: Moringa extract possess anti-sickling properties in sickle cell blood.

Aim 2: A. To determine the minimum levels of toxicity of Moringa extract in human endothelial cell lines. B. To assess the efficacy of Moringa extract in treating inflammation in human endothelial cell lines an determine the minimum effective dosage needed for treatment.

NIH Support:  Fogarty scholars doctoral training award

Racquel Wright fellowship