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Years: 2019-2020

Training Site: University of Zambia (UNZA)

Country: Zambia

Mentors: Ben Chi, MD, MSc; Wilbroad Mutale, MD, PhD; Carmen Portillo, PhD, RN

Title: “Mapping Networks of HIV Risk in Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women in Zambia”

Program Objectives:

Aim 1: To use egocentric social network analysis (SNA) to identify patterns of sexual practices (e.g. condom use, number of partners, location of sexual intercourse) in pregnant/breastfeeding women. We hypothesize that women maintain sexual networks during pregnancy and breastfeeding that contribute to continued HIV risk

Aim 2: To compare the sexual and social network characteristics of HIV-negative and HIV-positive pregnant/breastfeeding women to identify differences, and key drivers that may contribute to HIV transmission. We hypothesize that the differences in the motivation for secondary partnerships and the sexual networks of HIV-negative and HIV-positive women will demonstrate intervenable patterns of HIV risk.

NIH Support: Fogarty fellow postdoctoral training award; NINR supplement

kellie freeborn Fellowship