Training Years: 2012-2013
Training Site: Cancer Institute and Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CICAMS)
Country: Beijing, China
Mentor: You-Lin Qiao, MD, PhD
Title: Osteoporosis among Women with Breast Cancer in China
Project Objectives:
Aim 1: Measure fracture history since the time of breast cancer diagnosis in a cohort of Chinese women with breast cancer, and the presence of osteoporosis risk factors in this population.
Hypothesis 1: Risk for fracture will be higher in women diagnosed with breast cancer at a later stage and in those who have undergone breast cancer therapy involving oophorectomy or hormone therapy after controlling for the following risk factors: age, sex, BMI, smoking or alcohol use, physical activity, and calcium/vitamin D intake.
Aim 2: Measure health beliefs regarding osteoporosis and osteoporosis prevention measures among individuals in this cohort using questions from previously validated questionnaires.
Hypothesis 2: Knowledge regarding osteoporosis and preventive measures will be limited and subjects will perceive barriers to prevention measures.
NIH Support: Fogarty fellowship postdoctoral training award, NCI supplement
Career Development Award: K01 TW009995 (2015-2020) Risk For Bone Loss among Individuals with HIV in a Resource-Limited Environment