Schedule a Labcorp Visit
Sub-study participants are seen at a local Labcorp for a quick blood draw visit at Months 1, 6, 12 and 18.
To schedule a Labcorp visit, please follow these steps:
1. Visit the Labcorp website to find the nearest location.
2. Enter ‘Routine Labwork’ in the Select Service box.
3. Make an appointment online within your given time frame.
4. For the question: Will you be fasting? Select “No”
5. For the Financial Details question How will this visit be covered? Select “I have already paid or someone else is responsible.”
6. At your appointment, check in at the automated kiosk. The kiosk will ask for your insurance information, please select “No”. Labcorp will be able to look up your requisition within their system. Please ask them to call us immediately if they run into any problems.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via email or phone number (984) 275-7247.