The data below includes all participants who enrolled in the VISION study and had their identities verified. This information depicted is from the entry visit. The information below is current as of March 2024.
Total Enrollment
This line graph depicts total enrollment since the opening of the study in October 2022. Current enrollment as of March 2024 is 3,227. 3,126 are enrolled with a recent infection and 101 participants are enrolled as a rebounder.
Enrollment by County
This map of North Carolina counties depicts the number of enrollments across the state by zipcode. The darker blue areas have a higher total number of enrollments than the lighter blue areas. Most enrollments are in the Triangle with about 80 counties having at least one enrollment.
Sex at Birth
This pie chart depicts the percentage of the total number of study participants enrolled who were born female and born male. 74% were born female and 26% were born male. The total number of participants included in this analysis is 3,226.
Gender Identity
This pie chart depicts the percentage of the total number of study participants enrolled and their current gender identity. 72% female; 26% male, 2% Other. The total number of participants included in this analysis is 3,227.
Other includes: non-binary, other sex, prefer not to answer, transgender female and transgender male
Age at Enrollment
This bar chart depicts the number of study participants enrolled and their age ranges. 15% 18-30 years old, 23% 31-40 years old, 20% 41-50 years old, 17% 51-60 years old, 16% 61-70 years old, 9% 71-90 years old
This pie chart depicts the percentage of the total number of study participants enrolled and their race. <1% American Indian or Alaska Native, 3% Asian, 9% Black or African American, 2% Other, <1% Pacific Islander, <1% Prefer not to answer, 3% Two or more races, 82% White. The total number of participants included in this analysis is 3,227.
This pie chart depicts the percentage of the total number of study participants enrolled and their ethnicity. 6% Hispanic, 94% Not Hispanic, <1% Prefer not to answer. The total number of participants included in this analysis is 3,227.
Number of COVID-19 Vaccines at Entry
This bar chart depicts the number of study participants who endorse receiving between 0-6 vaccines at entry. 5% had no vaccines, 3% 1 vaccine, 17% vaccines, 24% 3 vaccines, 27% 4 vaccines, 19% 5 vaccines, 5% 6 vaccines, 1 person with 9 vaccines and 1 person with 10 or more vaccines.
Long COVID at Entry
This pie chart depicts the percentage of the total number of study participants enrolled and if they had Long COVID at entry. Please note that this question was introduced in January 2023 and the percentages shown are for participants who enrolled after this time point. 88% No, 12% Yes. The total number of participants included in this analysis is 1,183.
COVID-19 Oral Treatment at Entry
This pie chart depicts the percentage of the total number of study participants enrolled and if they endorsed taking Paxlovid, Molnupiravir or No Treatment at entry. No treatment is defined as not taking either Molnupiravir or Paxlovid. 5% Molnupiravir, 42% Paxlovid, 53% No Treatment. The total number of participants included in this analysis is 3,215.