The Infectious Diseases Society of America, the nation’s leading infectious diseases professional society, has elected the Institute’s Joseph Eron, MD; Anne Lachiewicz, MD, MPH; and Christopher Hurt, MD, to its latest cohort of Fellows of IDSA. As the highest honor in the field of infectious diseases, IDSA fellowships recognize those who have achieved professional excellence and provided significant service to the profession.
Eron is a professor of medicine, chief of UNC’s Division of Infectious Diseases, and a global leader in HIV research. He serves as vice chair and co-principal investigator of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group, the world’s largest and longest running HIV clinical trials network, and leads UNC’s AIDS Clinical Trials Unit with four sites in North Carolina, Malawi, and Vietnam.
Lachiewicz is an associate professor of medicine, director of the Immunocompromised Host Fellowship Program, and infectious diseases specialist. Christopher Hurt is an associate professor of medicine, director of the North Carolina HIV Training and Education Center, and co-leader of UNC’s Center for AIDS Research’s PrEP Scientific Working Group.
All three UNC honorees have added COVID-19 research trials to their work in 2020. “Infectious diseases specialists have trained their entire careers to step up to the plate during a crisis such as the one we face today with the COVID-19 pandemic,” says IDSA President Barbara Alexander, MD, MHS, FIDSA. “ID physicians and scientists are working on the front lines of every aspect of this outbreak, from treating patients to developing and studying diagnostics and therapies to working on vaccines. They are also preparing for the next outbreak and protecting individual and public health. The 181 individuals receiving the FIDSA designation this year represent true leaders in the field, and I am proud to call them colleagues.”
Applicants for IDSA Fellowship are nominated by their peers and meet specified criteria that include continuing identification with the field of infectious diseases, national or regional recognition, and publication of their scholarly work. Nominees are reviewed and elected by the IDSA Board of Directors. Fellows of IDSA work in many different settings, including clinical practice, teaching, research, public health and health care administration.